Commercial Damages![]()
Addleman & Associates professionals are skilled in analyzing commercial damages using methods appropriate to specific issues and facts of any type of matter. Our evaluations include the use of a variety of damage remedies including, but not limited to, lost profits, increased costs, unjust enrichment, rescission, diminution in asset or business value, and the calculation of civil or statutory penalties. Our firm is equipped to assess commercial damage claims related to breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, fraud, construction delay, tortious interference, business interruption, shareholder and/or partnership disputes, alter ego, infringement of intellectual property, and professional malpractice among others. In addition, our staff specializes in matters with large data sets with our ability to quantify and summarize information in a concise manner. Our staff is ready to assist counsel and their clients through all phases of the litigation process, including assistance with discovery, data accumulation and verification, causation analysis, rebuttal analysis, and financial and damages modeling and valuation. Our expert opinions on commercial damages are typically presented in expert reports, mediation, and in deposition and trial testimony. |